Space Law Essentials
- 2. Auflage
- 137 Seiten, broschiert
- ISBN 978-3-7083-1337-5 (Print)
- Erscheinungsdatum: 19. Oktober 2020
Across decades of space exploration and utilisation - from Sputnik to the comet-chasing Rosetta, from Yuri Gagarin to the International Space Station, from state actors to commercialisation, from space exploration to the exploitation of resources, the rise of the multi-billion euro comsat industry and weather satellite forecasting - a rich body of space law has arisen. As space comes to play more of a role in our everyday lives, space law is becoming more relevant than ever. This book stands apart from existing space law literature. It is the first book that: - features a collection of exciting space law cases; - presents a novel didactic approach to space law; - showcases the variety of legal problems in modern spaceflight; - allows for a hands-on exposure to space law; - addresses law students and students in related study programmes; - supports public outreach.
Werner Hauser / Christian Schweighofer
Mag. Alexander Soucek, MSS.
Is the Head of the International Law Division at the European Space Agency. A proficient and experienced lecturer, he teaches space law in universities across Europe and beyond, and has published books, commentaries and articles on the subject.