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The Art of Museum Management

  • 1. Auflage
  • 200 Seiten, broschiert
  • ISBN 978-3-7083-1096-1 (Print)
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 17. Mai 2019

29,00 €

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Auf Lager. Versanddauer 3–6 Werktage.

The practical manual for a successful museum and exhibition management: - Strategic Museum Management - Collection Management - Exhibition Management - Marketing - Personnel Management - Controlling - Financing

Dr. Axel Anderl, LL.M. (IT-Law)
Ist Partner und Leiter des IT/IP und Datenschutz Teams sowie der Digital Industries Group bei DORDA Rechtsanwälte GmbH. Er publiziert regelmäßig zu einschlägigen Fachthemen und ist Lehrender an diversen Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Unter anderem ist er Mitherausgeber und Mitautor des NISG-Kommentar im Verlag Manz. Seine Schwerpunkte sind IT-Projekte, Outsourcing, E-Commerce, Datenschutz und Urheberrecht.

Chris Dercon
Is a Belgian art historian and curator. Since January 2019 he is the president of the reunion des musees Nationalcharakter et du Grands Palais de Champs Élysée, 2003-2011 Director of the Haus der Kunst, München, 2011-2016 Director of the Tate Modern, London, 2017-2018 Intendant of the Volksbühne Berlin, before director of the Museum Witte de Witt, Rotterdam, and Director of the Bejmans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam.

Dr. Robert Fleck
Is an Austrian art historian and curator, Professor at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (since 2012) and Prorector of Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (since 2015), director and intendant of the Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2008-2011), director of Deichtorhalle Hamburg (2004-2008), Director Ecole regionale des Beaux Arts de Nantes (2000-2003), Bundeskurator Bildende Kunst, Wien (2000-2003).

MMag. Max Hollein
Studied art history and business administration, is an Austrian art historian, since April 2018 director of the Metropolitan Art Museum, New York, worked from 1995 to 2000 as a project coordinator of exhibitions at the Salomon R. Guggenheim Museum, from 1998 as a chief of staff and manager of European Relations at the Salomon R. Guggenheim Museum responsible for key projects like the "Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin", director of Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt (2001-2006), Director and CEO of Städel Museum and Schirn, Frankfurt (2006-2016) director and Ceo of the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco (2016-2018).

MMag. Irene Knava
Studied dramatics and commercial sciences and successfully completed a post graduate in cultural managements at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna. She is trained as controller, fundraiser, trainer and NLP practitioner. She worked as cultural manager in a leading position at the Theater in der Josefstadt, the Landestheater Niederoesterreich and Niederoesterreich Kulturwirtschaft. In 2009 she founded the culture consulting firm AUDIENCING - Consulting fuer Darstellende Kunst und Museen. She holds lectureships at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Leibniz Universität Hannover and Danube University Krems.

Mag. Dr. Gerald A. Matt
Studied law, business administration and art history. Since 2013 Director Art Institute Vienna and curator, hosts the tv talk "Matt spricht mit" (since 2013), guest professor at the University of applied arts, 1996-2012 director of Kunsthalle Vienna, Advisor of the city councilor of arts Vienna (1991-1993), department of international Biennale and cultural politics, ministry of culture (1989-1993), 1992 founding member and curator Magazin 4, Vorarlberger Kunstverein, 2000 scientific Council Museum of modern Art Bologna.

Mag. Elke Peller-Kühne
Studied business administration at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Human Resources Executive with more than 20 years professional experience at internationally operating and local companies in different branches, public and private sector.

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