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Rice/​Alberti (Hrsg)

Confronting Challenges

Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights. Selected Theses. Generation 5. Class of 2018
  • ISBN 978-3-7083-1397-9 (Print)
  • ISBN 978-3-7083-1403-7 (eBook)
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 7. Februar 2022

46,80 €

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Since 2012, the Vienna Master of Arts in Human Rights has combined diverse disciplines with students from a multitude of academic and professional backgrounds thus pioneering interdisciplinary human rights education.
Students of the Vienna Master programme were taught how to identify human rights issues and acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively address them. The focus of their studies was not only on existing legal frameworks but also on applying an interdisciplinary approach, understanding underlying dynamics and factors and developing multi-level strategies to overcome these issues. It is from the development of these skills that this volume takes its name, Confronting Challenges.
The present volume contains a selection of the best theses of the Vienna Master´s fifth generation alumni. They cover varied and timely human rights issues, ranging from the rights of old(er) persons, the lived experiences of sex workers, reproductive medicine legislation relevant for LGBTIAQ+ persons, childhood statelessness in Europe to the exploitation of talibés in Mauritania.

Kaitlyn Rice / Laura Alberti

Laura Alberti
Flore Beaumond
Cocoa Costales
Ifigeneia Pilatou
Barbara Treichl

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