The future of Europe - built on strong municipalities
- 1. Auflage
- 170 Seiten, broschiert
- ISBN 978-3-7083-1198-2 (Print)
- Erscheinungsdatum: 17. November 2017
This book is a result of the programme "Building Administrative Capacity in the Danube Region and Western Balkans (BACID)". BACID aimed at strengthening the governance structures in the Western Balkan and the Republic of Moldova with focus on local governments and European integration. It has been supported by the Austrian Development Agency and implemented by the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns (AACT) and the KDZ Centre for Public Administration Research. In the first chapter we asked municipal practitioners from the European Union to present their experiences with the impact of the European Union on local governments such as: - Subsidiarity in the European Union; - Financing municipalities including public investments and the fiscal compact; - Public-private partnerships including public procurement; - The EU Urban Agenda and regional policy; - Water sector and trade agreements; - Experiences with programming EU-funds. The second chapter focuses on the European integration activities of the local government associations in the candidate and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkan: - The role of local government associations (LGA) in the EU negotiation process; - Activities of the LGAs in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia including the cooperation with CEMR (Council of European Municipalities and Regions) - EU funds supporting the pre-accession phase; - NALAS position on EU enlargement; - Challenges of fiscal decentralisation in South East Europe.
Thomas Prorok / Alexandra Schantl / Marija äoäic
Christiane Breznik
Christiane Breznik is working for the City of Vienna in the Department of European Affairs as the Head of Unit for International Cooperation. For over 15 years, she has been responsible for representing the regional level in INTERREG programmes and managing the transnational pro-gramme CENTRAL EUROPE. Ms. Breznik holds a degree for Landscape Planning of the University of Natural Sciences in Vienna and a Master in Public Administration of Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government.
Agron Haxhimali
Agron Haxhimali is the Executive Director of the Association of Albanian Municipalities (AAM). AAM is an LGA operating in Albania that was established 17 years ago and has as members the municipalities of Albania. Mr. Haxhimali graduated in Biology and Chemistry and holds a Master Degree in Public Administration. He has more than 20 years of working experience at the local level, is the author of different studies and publications in the field of Local Government and is engaged as an expert on strategic planning, financial management, e-government, local economic development and decentralisation, communication and territorial administration.
Klemens Himpele
He studied economics at the University of Cologne, where he gratuated in 2005. He started his professional career as an educational researcher in Cologne and Berlin. Subsequently, he worked for Statistics Austria in Vienna and the German Education Union (GEW) in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2012, he is the Head of Vienna's Municipal Department 23 - Economic Affairs, Labour and Statistics.
Natasha Ilijeva-Acevska
Natasha Ilijeva-Acevska is dedicated to social development and decen-tralisation in South-East Europe. She has a hands-on experience in the decentralisation of governance since 2003, specialising in fiscal decentralisation, municipal investments, financing decentralised education and social protection services. Ms. Acevska supported the fiscal decentralisation agenda in NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe) in the 2010-2017 period, when she co-designed the framework for monitoring fiscal decentralisation performed annually as a collective regional effort. Since spring 2017, she has been working at the UNDP Country Office in Skopje, managing the Innovative Solutions for Improved Access to Services at Local Level project dealing with social services and inter-municipal cooperation. She holds an M.A in European Integration and Communication and a B.A. in Economy and Business Management from the St Cyril and Methodius state university in Skopje.
Michaela Kauer
Michaela Kauer is the Director of the Liaison Office of the City of Vienna in Brussels. The focus of her work lies on strong public services and innovative urban policy. Since 2016, she is the coordinator of the Urban Partnership on Affordable Housing, a new working model of the EU aiming to better involve cities in EU decision-making. Her academic background is in international public management, whereby she regularly publishes and gives lectures.
Gennadiy Kosyak
Gennadiy Kosyak, currently Deputy Head of Good Governance Department, DG Democracy at the Council of Europe and - among others - is in charge of the Council of Europe projects in the area of good governance and local government reform in the Eastern Partnership countries, Western Balkans as well as bilateral cooperation projects between the Council of Europe and its member states. As an international lawyer by background with a specific expertise in legal approximation, human rights and rule of law, good governance and public