An Overview of Trust Law in Hungary
- Originalsprache: Deutsch
- ZFSBand 19
- Aufsatz, 3809 Wörter
- Seiten 116 -120
30,00 €
inkl MwSt
The study provides an overview of the various types of trusts in Hungary, their private law regulations, and characteristics. It introduces the different legal instruments of wealth management, highlighting the features of occasional (ad hoc) and professional trusts, as well as the operation of asset management foundations and hybrid trusts.
- Sándor, István
- settlor
- ZFS 2023, 116
- trustee
- asset management foundation
- Stiftungen
- Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
- Trust
- Act XV of 2014 on trustees and the rules governing their activities
- protector
- Act XIII of 2019 on asset management foundations
- beneficiary